There is something about wind that stirs something in me. It conjures up a scream of excitement that sticks in my throat. If I'm with my kids, I may let it out. Of course, in the grown-up world, it is rarely appropriate to scream when excited. This is why I work with kids. The grown-up world is boring!
I just dropped off my students for gym. This requires a walk from our building down to the main church building. I noticed the wind and the weather on the way down. On the way back, by myself, I savored it. There is nothing quite like a breezy October day. Better still, it's chapel day so I am wearing a skirt. It was positively delicious to feel the wind whipping my skirt around my legs as I took to the long way back to my classroom.
Today would be a great day to pick a pumpkin.
My journey through life, love, and faith.
In the Wind
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Posted by Monica at 8:06 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I'm excited to be falling into Fall, but not nearly as excited as my daughter. She woke up yesterday and asked to look out my bedroom window. She wanted to see all the trees. She figured that since it was Fall, all the leaves would look the part! Explaining reality to her was bittersweet. It made me want to laugh and cry all at once.
Her babysitter said that she inspected EVERY TREE on their walk for signs of a change in the seasons. I have no doubt this routine will continue until she is satisfied with the progress. I love that girl.
Posted by Monica at 5:30 AM 1 comments
End of Summer Party
Monday, September 7, 2009

Food, fixin's and family.

Getting ready:
Family and fun:

Enjoying the corn...

The famous "catalog pose:"
Posted by Monica at 5:20 PM 0 comments
I Believe in Magic
“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.” Loren Eiseley
This weekend I sat and watched my daughter swim. She loves to paddled herself around the pool, wearing her swimmie-wings. I had planned to get in, too, but when I checked the thermometer and saw that the water was only 74 degrees, I only got in up to my tootsies.
As I sat on the ladder, dangling my feet in the the pool, I reflected on the magic that is water. I truly believe that water has the ability to heal. When I was 8 and 9 months pregnant with Sophie, I took a water aerobics class. All week long my body would ache. I would feel the pull in the muscles as my belly grew heavier with my baby girl. By Thursday afternoon, I would be questioning whether I could actually survive through Friday. But Thursday night, I would experience the miracle of water aerobics. Suddenly, my body didn't ache. The effects would carry me through until the following Thursday.
I felt sort of melancholy sitting there. I realized that I needed some magic to carry me through until autumn began to charm me with her beautiful colors.
Tune in tomorrow to see the end-of-summer party that I orchestrated to be the bit of magic that I needed.
Posted by Monica at 4:52 PM 0 comments
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