We are pile-makers in my house. I have always been a pile-maker. I married a pile-maker. It's not the best combination for maintaining a clutter free household.
One of the places in my house that is notorious for attracting clutter is end of my counter.
Well, yesterday, I took charge. I moved my beloved KitchenAid stand mixer to the end of the counter.
Aren't you glad I wore pants when I took that?
Not that I wouldn't normally wear pants...
Her (Yes, her. Her name is
Ruby.) new location makes good organizational sense for a couple of reasons. First of all, she's beautiful. Why wouldn't I want to display her proudly so she is one of the first things you see upon entering my kitchen? Secondly, I use Ruby quite often. In order to use her, I have to slide her forward, as she's under a under-cabinet-cd player. I won't be able to slide her forward if there is clutter on the counter. Thirdly, the very size of Ruby cuts down on the amount of space available for clutter in that area.
My husband is cynical. I will do my best to prove him wrong. Ruby and I are a team!
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