
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I've been thinking a lot about the song Brave by Nichole Nordeman in relationship to my life.

In general, I don't think I am brave. I'm scared of bugs. I hate the dark. Trying to sleep when my husband isn't home is pretty much a useless task--I hear every bump in the night.

But I've noticed that something changes when I am with my kids.

The lyrics say:
So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
The way it always was
Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave

Suddenly when I'm with my little ones, all of the things that concern me are no longer concerns. I found myself walking with my Sophie through the woods this weekend, nonchalantly mentioning that we had to be careful as to not run into spider webs. I had to make myself not think about it all terribly hard or I would have gotten squeamish. Instead, I focused on my sweet girl and enjoying the great outdoors.