
Thursday, July 4, 2013

I took a walk tonight, in between the swimming and the playing, the eating of delicious food and the lazing around with my family.  I walked around my neighborhood, taking care to walk the sidewalks of every cul-de-sac as I went.

It was an impromptu walk.  I only decided to do it about five minutes before I set my feet on the pavement.  I wasn't wearing the proper walking shoes; I'm paying for that a bit now...poor tootsies.  I didn't have my headphones, either, so I wasn't listening to music as I usually do when I go out for a walk.  Because of the latter, I was truly blessed by my walk.

As I made my way around my neighborhood, my ears were tickled with the sounds of conversations, children playing, adults telling stories, laughter coming from all ages.  I heard the sound of warm bodies cannon-balling into backyard pools.  I heard the sound of families, neighbors meeting together and enjoying one another's company.  I heard even heard a little girl singing a love song to her father, in Spanish, as she twirled around him as he rocked in a hammock.  I'm so thankful that I didn't have my headphones tonight.

I felt so content listening to the happy sounds of my neighbors as they celebrated Independence Day, each in their own way.  I couldn't help but think, as I walked, how blessed I am to live in this neighborhood, and to live in this country.


Jaime said...

Love it! It's the simple things. :-)

ahappygirl said...

So beautiful! I love your descriptions of all the gorgeous details. That is what life is about!!!
