Summer Fun

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I've been missing 'round these parts for a bit.  Summer always seems to wake up my desire to blog.  I think the school year just gets so crazy, I don't give myself the space to write until the long lazy days of summer stretch before me.

So what have I been up to?

For me, summer is always a time to get my life back in shape.  I do this in a couple of ways.  I take an inventory of what I am depleted of.  Have I been getting enough sleep?  How are my eating habits?  Have I gotten enough quiet time?  Have I been missing out on connecting with others?  When I've determined what I need to adjust, I do it, and begin to feel more in tune with myself in no time!

So I've been catching up on sleep, trying new recipes so that my family and I are eating healthier, and I've been taking really great walks. I've also joined a Bible Study/Book Study with some other moms.  We are currently reading Desperate. I'm loving the conversations that we've been having as we go through each chapter.

Next, I usually use the summer as a time to do a bit of deep cleaning around the house.  I know that most people do Spring Cleaning.  As a teacher, I do a big winter cleaning {coinciding with Christmas Break} and a big summer cleaning.  I just found an awesome organization specialist online, and her videos are giving me a ton of ideas.  I've already reorganized my linen closet, revamped my kitchen, and I've got plans to reorganize my bathroom soon!

Then, I start gearing up my brain for the upcoming school year.  I think back on what I liked about the previous school year, and I determine what I'd like to do a little differently.  I spend time cruising the web and finding ideas to make my classroom fun.  I've found LOTS of great ideas on Pinterest.

One more thing that I've gotten into this summer has been  I recently made a profile, and I'm hoping to get the opportunity to try out some products soon.  Influenster has you take surveys to find out what you are interested in, and then they match you up with products to try and give feedback on.  As soon as I get wind of any products coming my way, I will be sure to share what I think about them right here.

That's about all I've got right now.  It's time to head to bed to rest up before tomorrow's Independence Day festivities!