
Thursday, October 23, 2008

When I hear Brandon Heath's song "Give Me Your Eyes," I automatically think of my sister. My beautiful sister amazes me. She should have been born first because she is everything that a big sister should be. I look up to her and I am in awe of the incredible woman she has become.

She doesn't have to ask God for his eyes, arms, heart, or love for humanity because she's already there. She thinks of others before thinking of herself. She is Christ to those less fortunate. She is His hands and feet. When I grow up, I hope to be just like her.

"Step out on the busy street.
See a girl and our eyes meet.
Does her best to smile at me.
To hide what's underneath.
There's a man just to her right
Black suit and a bright red tie.
Too ashamed to tell his wife he's out of work, he's buyin time.
All those people goin somewhere, why have I never cared.

Give me your eyes for just one second,
Give me your eyes so I can see,
Everything that I keep missing,
Give me your love for humanity.
Give me Your arms for the broken-hearted
The ones that are far beyond my reach.
Give me Your heart for the ones forgotten."